AML Policy
Darwin Marketing Ltd., Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lic No.: 27115 BC 2024 Anti-Money Laundering Policy. is committed to the fight against the legalization of illegal income. As part of our regulatory commitment and our efforts to combat the legalization of proceeds of crime, we have appointed an employee responsible for enforcing this policy. requires all personnel to be trained in the area of anti-money laundering and our internal compliance procedures.
The financial monitoring officer ("MLRO") is appointed to receive all reports of suspicious activity by the staff.
This employee is responsible for implementing the procedures set out in this anti-money laundering Policy, determining the need for and extent of reporting suspicious activity to the Central Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, responding to Central Bank requests, and resolving any issues or controversies arising from this Policy. has developed four main policies to help identify, prevent, and report illegal income laundering activities:
1) Customer Due Diligence Policy (“CDD”),
2) Beneficial Ownership Verification Policy (“BOV”),
3) Suspicious Activity Monitoring Policy,
4) Policy for developing systems, management tools, and training.
The legislation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on combating the legalization of illegal income on the territory of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as well as globally, prohibits the use of professional services for the legalization of such income.
The laws aimed at countering the legalization of illicit income and the financing of terrorism in these jurisdictions extend beyond traditional regulated institutions, encompassing independent lawyers, proxies, and service providers.
The Law's provisions establish mandatory requirements for: identifying and verifying the name and identity of your client or investor, and maintaining proper records of such verification; keeping accurate records of transactions with investors or clients for a minimum period of 5 years; implementing internal control and reporting procedures, including training employees to prevent the legalization of illegal income, and appointing a financial monitoring officer. Non-compliance with the Law constitutes a serious offense.
A brief description of's main principles in the fight against the legalization of illicit income:'s protection against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Maintaining policies and procedures to combat the legalization of illicit income and the financing of terrorism, establishing internal control systems to ensure compliance with current legislation in this area by the designated person(s), and taking appropriate action when suspicious activity is detected by reporting such transactions in accordance with the guidelines established by the National Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Compliance with existing laws and regulations on combating the legalization of illicit income and the financing of terrorism as established by St. Vincent and the Grenadines legislation.'s anti-money laundering policy applies to all its business entities. All detected suspicious activities must be reported as required by all applicable foreign and domestic laws.
All client documents must be retained for the period specified by St. Vincent and the Grenadines legislation. does not provide services for opening anonymous accounts.
Full cooperation with law enforcement and regulatory authorities is required to the extent permitted by all applicable laws. Employees must be trained in "know your customer" and "anti-money laundering" methods, as well as new laws and regulations on countering the legalization of illicit income.
For more information about our Anti-Money Laundering Policy, please contact us via e-mail: [email protected].